Tongue Grafting – Yale Playwrights' Festival 2017
by Stefani Kuo
February 18th, 2017 @ 12:15 pm
staged reading directed by Alex Cadena
produced by Erin Krebs
performed by Francesca McKenzie, Sebastian Arboleda, Emily Locke, Jason Dukakis, Jake Lozano, Gilberto Saenz, Nientara Anderson, Skyler Chin
mentored by Edwin Sanchez & Margaret Spillane
(Originally titled THE SMALLEST BODY OF WATER), TONGUE GRAFTING is a work in progress about the transposing of roots, forgetting and acquisition of language, and the grafting of one body onto another.
[Tongue grafting is used to bring about self rooting of a difficult to root species. A several node scion piece of the shy rooting species is bench grafted using tongue grafting onto a stock, consisting of a piece of root. After callusing, in cool storage, the grafted plant is lined out in the field, where the rootstock serves as the temporary root system until the slow rooting scion has become self-rooted.]